Monday, September 23, 2013


章節:chapter 1 to chapter 5
藥一B313102011 Ivy李欣瑜
藥一B313102008 Alyson詹蕙瑄
藥一B313102036 Peggy高珮芸
藥一B313102002 Angela陳佳絮


  1. p.3 line5 shriveled (a.)乾枯的
    p.3 line5 dry up 乾涸
    p.3 line7 hover (v.)停留、徘徊
    p.3 line11 hammock (n.)吊床
    p.3 line12 log cabin (n.)小木屋
    p.3 line15 rattlasnake (n.)響尾蛇
    p.6 line3 rifle (n.)來福槍
    p.6 line4 lap (n.)腰以下及大腿部分
    p.6 line6 armrest (n.)扶手
    p.6 line7 stationery (n.)信紙
    p.6 line11 hay (n.)乾草
    p.6 line13 stifling (a.)悶熱的、令人窒息的
    p.6 line16-p.7 line1 stuffed animal 填充玩具
    p.7 line3 marble (n.)彈珠
    p.7 line4 rubber band (n.)橡皮筋
    p.7 line12 ratio (n.)比例
    P.7 line19 slumped (a.)垂著頭的
    p.8 line3 descendant (n.)子孫
    p.8 line10 gruff (a.)粗啞的
    p.9 line2 full name (n.)全名
    p.9 line21 befell(v.)(befall的過去式)發生、降臨
    p.9 line23 stagecoach (n.)公共馬車
    p.9 line25 mansion (n.)公寓、大廈
    p.9 line26 rubber (n.)橡膠
    p.10 line4 bumpy (n.)崎嶇不平的的
    p.10 line17 grunt (v.)發哼聲、咕噥
    p.11 line10 wrist (n.)腕關結
    p.11 line12 desolate (a.)荒蕪的
    p.11 line12 rundown (a.)破敗的
    p.12 line1 juvenile (n.)少年的
    p.12 line1 correctional facility (n.)監獄
    p.12 line4 premises (n.)建築及基地
    p.12 line17 burlap (n.)麻布袋
    p.12 line21 wiggle (v.)擺動
    p.12 line30 grumble (v.)抱怨
    p.13 line14 jumpsuit (n.)連身衣褲
    p.13 line17 canteen (n.)水壺
    p.14 line2 baby-sit (v.)當臨時保姆
    p.14 line4 dig up (v.)發現
    p.14 line5 counselor (n.)指導老師、管理員
    p.14 line14 thick with 佈滿
    p.14 line18 electric fence (n.)電絲網
    p.14 line29 holster (n.)手槍皮套
    p.15 line5 buzzard (n.)禿鷹
    p.17 line7 pointless (a.)無益的、無用的
    p.18 line8 cot (n.)小屋
    p.18 line17 crate (n.)板條箱
    p.18 line24 armpit (n.)腋下
    p.18 line24 zigzag (n.)z字形
    p.19 line16 saliva (n.)唾液
    p.20 line1 whirl (v.)使旋轉
    p.20 line1 collar (n.)衣領
    p.20 line5 spigot (n.)水龍頭
    p.20 line5 stall (n.)隔間

  2. Summary
    Everyone in Stanley’s family had always liked the fact that "Stanley Yelnats"was spelled the same frontward and backward. So they kept naming their sons Stanley.The protagonist in the book is the only Stanley Yelnats IV. There was curse on Stanley’s family because his great-great-grandfather who had stolen a pig from a one-legged Gypsy, and she put a imprecate on him and all his descendants. In addition to having bad luck in common, they still have something else similar, for instance , they always remain hopeful. But it might be part of curse as well. Because the more hope, the more disappointment.

    However, Stanley was a criminal sent to the Camper Green Lake ,which is a desert with lots of rattlesnakes and scorpions. Rumor has it that if you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun ,it will turn him into a good boy. After a long , bumpy way, he finally got this weird place and met other boys from different towns . But all he want to do is find some water in this desolate place to quench his thirst…..

  3. 1.Why was Stanley’s father not a successful inventor?
    (A)He was not intelligent.
    (B)He didn’t have any perseverance.
    (C)He never had any luck.
    2.When you are bitten by which animal,you will have the worst consequence?
    (C) yellow-spotted lizard
    3.How many sets of clothes was Stanley given?
    (A)two (B)three (C)four
    4.Who wasn’t given a can of soda?
    (A)guard (B) driver (C) Stanley
    5.Who was Stanley’s counselor?
    (A)Theeodore (B)Pendanski (C) Zero
