Thursday, September 26, 2013


週次:Week 3
章節:Chapter 6 to Chapter8
保1 B506102074 左愉 Joy
保1 B506102045 林育萱 Sharon
保1 B506102049 陳旻 Anna
口衛1 B228102005 林妤倩 Sherry


  1. p31. line19 eternity(n.) 永世、永遠
    p31. line27 slop(v.) 潑出、溢出
    p31. line27 upward(adv.) 向上地
    p32. line13 trail(v.) 飄盪
    p32. line13 pickup(n.) 無蓋小型卡車
    p32. line15 rear(n.) 最後面
    p32. line22 get with it 小心、注意
    p32. line23 pop(v.) 突然放置
    p32. line24 deftly(adv.) 熟練地、敏捷地
    p33. line10 declare(v.) 述說、表明
    p33. line13 good-for-nothing(adj.) 無用的
    p33. line17 alas(int.) 唉呀!
    p33. line19 rip(v.) 裂開
    p33. line20 grip(n.) 握法
    p33. line22 raw(adj.) 疼痛的、擦破的
    p33. line24 beat down 照射
    p34. line04 compacted(adj.) 緊密的
    p34. line04 excavate(v.) 挖出
    p34. line07 once again 再一遍
    p34. line10 snout(n.) 鼻子
    p34. line14 preposterous(adj.) 荒謬的
    p34. line14 exclaim(v.) 大叫
    p34. line14 saliva(n.) 口水
    p34. line19 chin(n.) 下巴
    p34. line20 slap(v.) 拍打
    p34. line22 summon(v.) 召喚、召集
    p35. line03 gee(int.) 啊!
    p35. line12 mutter(v.) 低聲說話;喃喃自語
    p35. line15 sack(n.) 袋
    p35. line16 baloney(n.) 大型臘腸
    p35. line21 dawdle(v.) 游手好閒
    p36. line01 get to one's feet 站起來
    p36. line06 stagger(v.) 步履蹣跚
    p36. line10 aimlessly(adv.) 漫無目的地
    p36. line11 wharf(n.) 碼頭
    p36. line12 pier(n.) 碼頭
    p36. line15 foul(adj.) 邪惡的、卑劣的
    p36. line21 deck(n.) 甲板
    p36. line22 passage(n.) 航行
    p36. line27 clear(v.) 越過
    p37. line13 clod(n.) 塊
    p37. line17 compound(n.) 俘虜營
    p37. line18 dude(n.) 花花公子、紈褲子弟
    p37. line22 wild(adj.) 雜亂的
    p37. line22 frizzy(adj.) 鬈曲的
    p37. line22 stick out 伸出
    p37. line23 bob(v.) 上下地疾動
    p37. line24 spring(n.) 彈簧
    p38. line18 walk up 走到...之前
    p38. line22 lullaby(n.) 搖籃曲
    p38. line23 barn(n.) 穀倉、馬房
    p39. line19 grimace(v.) 扭歪臉、做鬼臉
    p39. line19 slice(v.) 切割
    p39. line19 chunk(n.) (木才、肉、金屬..)切下的一厚塊
    p39. line20 fling(v.) 擲
    p39. line22 rotate(v.) 旋轉
    p40. line01 rim(n.) 邊緣
    p40. line23 suck(v.) 吸
    p42. line02 predatory(adj.) 食肉性的
    p42. line05 cactus(n.) 仙人掌
    p42. line06 thorn(n.) 刺、針

  2. Summary

    Stanley started his life at Camp Green Lake. Everything there was so poor and misarible.However, the most awlful part was his work, that is,digging a five-feet-deep hole. Stanley worked on his first hole very slowly because there was tons of problem that made the job more impossible.He found himself thirsty, hungry, tired, and hurt during he got with the hole.The worst is, he found himself defective. Nonetheless,he figured out some ways to deal with those problems.Finally, after a long time struggling with that hole, Stanley was exhausted,but proud of himself.

    In chapter six, Stanley mentioned the reason why he was arrested.It was all an absurd accident. One day, on the way back home,he was hit by sneakers that fell from the sky.He though it was kind of a miracle and decided to bring them back. Unfortunately, those shoes belonged to a famous baseball player named Clyde "sweet feet" Livingston, and the player was going to raise a large amount of money for the homeless shelter by auctioning them.Thus, when Stanley was caught taking the sneakers, he was regarded as a thief.Then, he became a sinner and was sent to the camp.It all happened because the bad luck that the family curse brought to him.

    About the curse, there's a sad story. Stanley's great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats, fell in love with Myra Menke. To marry the one he loved, Elya had to get a big pig as a present for Myra's father,or someone else would marry her. Elya turned to his friend, Madame Zeroni, for help.She promised to help him if Elya do exactly what she told him to do, including carrying her to a stream and singing a magical song to her after he fulfill his dream.Otherwise, his descendants would be doomed for all of eternity. As time gone by,Elya's pig became fatter and fatter,and soon, he could finally marry Myra. Nevertheless, by the time he took his pig to meet Myra and his father, he disappointedly found out that Myra was no one but a stupid girl.Desperate, he decided to move to America.It was just too late when he thought of the promise that he gave to Madame Zeroni. He failed to keep the promise,and that was how the Yalnats curse began.

  3. Questions

    1.What did Stanley do for being arrested?
    (A)He stole a pair of sneakers.
    (B)He dropped Derrick’s notebook in the toilet.
    (C)He fled when he saw the patrol car.

    2.Who was “Sweet Feet”?
    (A)A famous football referee.
    (B)A famous perfumer.
    (C)A famous baseball player.

    3.Where did Stanley get the sneakers?
    (A)In the street
    (B)From the sky
    (C)At a store

    4.Why did X-Ray want the shortest shovel?
    (A)The shortest one was much easier to use.
    (B)He just liked to be different from others.
    (C)The size of the hole depended on the length of the shovel.

    5.Who was Stanley’s great-great-grandmother?
    (A)Myra Menke
    (B)Madame Zeroni
    (C)Sara Miller


    1. p.21 line4 scarcity (n.) 缺乏;匱乏
      p.21 line8 spray (n.) 水花
      p.21 line10 suds (n.) 肥皂水
      p.21 line14 mop up 用拖把拖洗
      p.22 line21 triple (n.) 三壘打
      p.23 line8 collapse (v.) 倒塌
      p.23 line14 torment (v.) 折磨
      p.23 line22 retrieve (v.) 重新得到
      p.24 line21 patrol car (n.) 巡邏車
      p.24 line21 alongside (adv.) 沿著
      p.25 line1 auction (v.) 拍賣
      p.25 line4 trial (n.) 審問;審判
      p.25 line13 despicable (a.) 卑劣的
      p.25 line18 discipline (n.) 紀律;教養
      p.25 line22 vacancy (n.) 空位
      p.26 line2 jam (v.) 擠進
      p.26 line3 dent (n.) 凹痕
      p.26 line4 shaft (n.) 把手
      p.26 line10 might (n.) 力量
      p.26 line12 defective (a.) 有缺陷的
      p.26 line14 shovelful (n.) 一鏟子的量
      p.26 line16 lukewarm (a.) 微溫的
      p.27 line2 pint (n.) 一品脫的量
      p.27 line2 carton (n.) 紙盒
      p.27 line11 fraction (n.) 碎片
      p.27 line17 mounds (n.) 土石堆
      p.28 line6 pry (v.) 撬起
      p.28 line10 unearth (v.) 掘出
      p.28 line12 perimeter (n.) 周圍; 邊緣
      p.28 line21 blister (n.) 水泡
      p.29 line30 plow (n.) 犁
      p.30 line1 delicate (a.) 嬌弱的
      p.30 line10 shallow (a.) 膚淺的
      p.30 line11 forlorn (a.) 孤獨的
      p.30 line13 sow (n.) 母豬
      p.30 line13 litter (n.) 一窩
      p.30 line14 runt (n.) 小家畜
      p.30 line15 suckle (v.) 哺乳

    2. Questions 忘了打名字@@
