Thursday, January 2, 2014


週次:Week 15
章節:Chapter 49 to Chapter 50 + Intro to Small Step
牙1 B202102069 董仁和 Roger
牙1 B202102070 林佑叡 Nick
牙1 B202102079 林威庭 Waiting
保1 B506102046 吳君佑 Hunter

週次:week 15
保健三:B506100074 黃世宏 Louis
口衛一:B228102007 許適安 Angel
藥一:B313102003 黃治瑋 Jerry
藥一:B313102007 潘昱如 Lucy


  1. 週次:Week 15
    章節:Chapter 49 to Chapter 50 + Intro to Small Step
    牙1 B202102069 董仁和 Roger
    牙1 B202102070 林佑叡 Nick
    牙1 B202102079 林威庭 Waiting
    保1 B506102046 吳君佑 Hunter

    Townsfolk(p223 l3)村民
    Donkey(p223 l5)驢
    Hee-haw(p224 l12)狀聲詞
    Attorney(p224 l-4)律師
    Briefcase(p225 l18)公事包
    Tedious(p230 l1)乏味
    Subtle(p230 l5)微妙的
    Underneath(p230 l13)在…之下
    A stack of(p230 l13)一堆
    Promissory(p230 l15)承兌的
    Basement(p230 l-7)地下室
    Caviar(p231 l5)魚子醬
    Champagne(p231 l5)香檳
    Fixings(p231 l5)(做聖代的)設備
    Umpire(p231 l17)裁判
    Dugout(p231 l21)球場休息室
    Stink(p232 l3)發臭
    Shush(p232 l6)噓
    Tingle(p232 l11)1.刺痛、耳鳴 2.興奮
    Neutralize(p232 l13)抵銷(味道)
    Fungi(p232 l13)真菌(指黴菌)
    Clap(p232 l15)拍
    Wink(p232 l-1)眨眼
    Blush(p233 l1)臉紅
    Overstuffed(p233 l2)軟墊
    Fluffing(p233 l4)(用手指)將(頭髮)撩起
    Format(p235 l2)格式
    Explicit(p235 l3)明確的
    Nail(p236 l-8)釘子
    Explicit(p235 l-3)外在的

    The yellow-spotted lizards never appeared in Green Lake until the lake dried up, and a rumor about red-eye monsters. One hundred and ten years ago, people used onion juice to avoid biting by lizards.
    Ms. Morengo shows Stanley and Zero the cure for foot odor that Stanley's father has invented. Ms. Morengo told Stanley Derrick Dunne said that the time sneakers wre stolen, Stanley was still fishing his notebook from the toilet in the boy's bathroom. This proved that Stanley didn't steal the sneakers. Zero said that he stole the sneakers and Ms. Morengo tried not to hear him and told him not to say it again. For the first time in over 100 years, rain fell on Camp Green Lake.
    The attorney General closed Camp Green Lake. Ms. Walker sold the land and the place finally became a girl scout camp. Stanley and Hector opened the suitcase and each received about one million dollars. Stanley bought his family a house with a laboratory. Hector hired a team of private investigators. At a small party at Stanley’s house, they watched a commercial in which Clyde Livingston advertising sploosh, Stanley's father's cure for foot odor. Clyde Livingston was at watching the commercial as well and he expressed the effect of sploosh. On the other side, Hector sat with a woman who looks just like him. She was singing him the same song.
    The novel and the movie
    Many authors don’t work on the movie version of their novels. However, Louis Sachar did it. He said it is the hardest thing for him to tell a story in pictures instead of words. He made some changes in order to present the story on the screen.

    1.Why didn’t Stanley and Zero be bitten by the yellow-spotted lizards?
    a.The lizards weren’t hungry.
    b.Stanley and Zero had eaten onions.
    c.The lizards didn’t eat children.
    A: (b)

    2.What was the product that Stanley’s father invented to eliminate foot odor made of?
    A: (a)

    3.What did Camp Green Lake convert to after Ms.Walker sold it?
    b.Baseball field
    c.Girl Scout Camp
    A: (c)

    4.What was in the suitcase which had Stanley’s name on it?
    a.Jewels and a stack of paper
    b.A pig
    A: (a)

    5.Which thing did Clyde Livingston really have after he used the product,Sploosh?
    a.Sweet Feet
    b.Dirty Feet
    c.Trout Livingston
    A: (a)

  2. 週次:week 15
    保健三:B506100074 黃世宏 Louis
    口衛一:B228102007 許適安 Angel
    藥一:B313102003 黃治瑋 Jerry
    藥一:B313102007 潘昱如 Lucy
    1. Who might be the ancestor of Warden?
    (a) Mr. and Mrs. Barlow
    (b) Mr. and Mrs. Walker
    (c) Mr. and Mrs. Yelnats
    Answer : b
    2. What is the fact that Zero’s real name reveals the relation in Camp Green Lake?
    (a) Zero is a descendent of Kate Barlow, who robbed Stanley's great-grandfather.
    (b) Zero is a descendent of Stanley Yelnats, and he is Stanley's brother.
    (c) Zero is a descendent of Madame Zeroni, the gypsy who may have put a curse on Stanley's great-great-grandfather.
    Answer : c
    3. Why did Kate Barlow die with smile when Linder Miller and Trout Walker tortured her together?
    (a) Because she thought their faces were ridiculous.
    (b) Because she knew they didn’t know where the loot was.
    (c) Because she always looked the thing at the bright side.
    Answer : b
    4. Why could Zigzag do nothing and get an extra carton of juice on July 8?
    (a) Because it was his birthday.
    (b) Because he told the Warden the truth where the thing she wanted to find was hidden.
    (c) Because he dug more holes than any other boys.
    Answer : a
    5. Someone was assigned to Group D after Zero left, and what was his name, nickname, and his accusation?
    (a) Brian, Twitch, steal a car
    (b) Bryant, Kobe, play basketball at midnight
    (c) Brian, Titch, deceive during the test
    Answer : a
    6. The novel establishes links between the past and the present. What is similar to the town of Green Lake's violence towards Katherine Barlow and Sam forced Kate to turn to violence one hundred and ten years ago?
    (a) Kate Barlow continuously bullied Stanley, and eventually drives Stanley towards violence.
    (b) Mr. Pendanski's repeated taunting Zero, and eventually drives Zero towards violence.
    (c) Mr. Sir didn’t give any water to Zero for a long time, and eventually drives Zero crazy and towards violence.
    Answer : b
    7. Stanley stole the truck, but why he didn’t drive it all the way to save Zero?
    (a) Because the truck ran out of oil.
    (b) Because he didn’t like the feelings of driving on the uneven desert.
    (c) Because he crashed into a hole.
    Answer : c
    8. What encouraged Stanley to continue walking on the spacious desert alone after the truck was fallen into the hole?
    (a) The mind that he had to survive and conquer the desert.
    (b) Big Thumb seemed to give him the thumb-up sign faraway.
    (c) Warden would try to find him, and severely punish him.
    Answer : b
    9. What Stanley might use for making a deal with Warden, wanting to beg forgiveness for Zero?
    (a) Tell her where he found Kate Barlow’s lipstick tube.
    (b) Tell her that he wouldn’t dig holes anymore if she didn’t forgive Zero.
    (c) Tell her where he found the case carved K.B.
    Answer : a

  3. 週次:week 15
    保健三:B506100074 黃世宏 Louis
    口衛一:B228102007 許適安 Angel
    藥一:B313102003 黃治瑋 Jerry
    藥一:B313102007 潘昱如 Lucy

    How many times did Zero go refill the water jars?
    (C)None. It was Stanley!
    What did Mr.Sir do when he saw a bunch of lizards?
    (A)He shot it in the midair
    (B)He lit a cigarette
    (C)He ran away
    (D)Both A &B
    (E)A,B and C
    Which one is false about the suitcase Zero and Stanley found in the hole?
    (A)It was found in a lizard nest.
    (B)They took away the suitcase without anyone noticing.
    (C)It was buried under the hole where Stanley found the gold tube.
    Why did the lizards move lower in the hole?
    (A)They were not hungry anymore
    (B)They wanted to hide in the shade
    (C)They didn’t like the smell of Stanley
    (D)They heard the gun shot
    Who did not come over to say hi to Stanley and Zero?
    What will Ms. Morengo do if anything bad happens to Stanley?
    (A)Have a fight against the warden
    (B)File charges against the warden and the entire state of Texas
    (C)Call the police
    How did the townsfolk call the yellow-spotted lizards?
    (A)Red-eyed monsters
    (B)Black-teethed monsters
    (C)white-tongued monsters
    Why can Zero get free from the camp?
    (A)Because Zero is innocent
    (B)Because Zero's Mr. Sir finally let him go
    (C) Because his record is erased and thus there is no authority over him
    What are the things in the suitcase?
    (A)Jewels and a gun
    (B)Jewels and a sack of paper
    (C)Jewels and the gold tube
    Why didn’t the lizards bite Stanley and Zero?
    (A)The spiced peaches took effect
    (B)God is on their side
    (C)They have onion-blood

  4. 週次:week 15
    保健三:B506100074 黃世宏 Louis
    口衛一:B228102007 許適安 Angel
    藥一:B313102003 黃治瑋 Jerry
    藥一:B313102007 潘昱如 Lucy

    How did stanley encouraged ZERO when
    walking to the Big Thumb?
    A. Let him eat onion.
    B. Give him some water.
    C. Joking
    D. None of the above
    ANS: (D)

    What worried Stanley the most when he
    thought of his death
    A. His parents don’t know he is dead or alive.
    B. How to dig a grave.
    C. Can’t see ZERO anymore.
    D. None of the above
    ANS: (A)

    When climbing the Big Thumb ,stanley
    smelled a foul odor. What is that actually
    come from?
    (A) The smell of mud.
    (B) The smell of bugs.
    (C) The smell of ZERO.
    (D) The smell of onion.
    ANS: (D)

    ZERO order the hot fudge sundae. Stanley
    actually found one . But it’s not sundae.
    What is it?
    (A) Fake sundae with strawberry ice cream.
    (B) A chest full of yellow lizard.
    (C) Onion.
    (D) Sploosh.

    What heal ZERO’s stomachache?
    A. Onion.
    B. Full care by stanley.
    C. Get to the Big Thumb.
    D. Image wonderful life.

    A just wearing a nightgown because she
    want to thanks Sam as soon as possible.
    B make joke on A. Say A is parading about
    in her bed clothes. Who is A and B?
    A. Hattie and Mrs. Tennyson
    B. Mrs. Tennyson and Hattie
    C. Hattie and Hawthorn
    D. Mrs. Tennyson and Hawthorn

    ZERO filled the bottom of what to separate
    the water from the dirt?
    A. Stanley’s stinky socks.
    B. ZERO’s stinky socks.
    C. Rocks.
    D. Onions.
    ANS: (C)

    Why does Stanley want to go back to camp
    green lake when they are on the Big
    A. He like to become a fugitive.
    B. Out of food.
    C. Revenge .
    D. Dig KB’s treasure.
    ANS: (D)

    What is ZERO dig for on Big Thumb?He
    said it will be the last hole he dig.
    A. Onion!
    B. Water!
    C. Treasure!
    D. Stanley’s missing socks! Yuck!

    Why did Stanley leave ZERO on Big
    Thumb?What is he doing?
    A. He don’t want to take care of ZERO anymore.
    B. He go to find his missing socks.
    C. He don’t want to see ZERO’s death.
    D. None of the above.

  5. 週次:week 15
    保健三:B506100074 黃世宏 Louis
    口衛一:B228102007 許適安 Angel
    藥一:B313102003 黃治瑋 Jerry
    藥一:B313102007 潘昱如 Lucy
    The extra part of the story’’ Holes’’ that explains a small introduction about what happens to the other characters after the book Holes. It showed how Armpit and X-ray were living.
    Armpit is the protagonist in Small Steps, lives in Austin, Texas, sharing a duplex. He has an average job landscaping or digging holes. This is what he had done at Camp Green Lake, so he was very good at it . But it is very hard for him ,anyone who has a record .Everyone expects the worst from him.
    Ginny, a ten-year-old disabled-neighbour is the only one person who believes in him.
    X-Ray has the kind of smile that kept people from hating him. He is skinny and wore glasses with clip-on shades. He very sensitive about money. He knew exactly how much money Armpit has earned. X-ray had been sent to Camp Green Lake for selling bags of dried parsley and oregano to customers.
    One day Armpit was digging , X-ray pulled in with an idea. X-ray’s moneymaking plan leads Armpit to a chance encounter with a singer ,Kaira DeLeon. Armpit and X-Ray come up with get-rich –quick scheme . The important things is Armpit will never be the same again.
    Kaira DeLeon is a seventeen-year-old African American girl. Kathy Spears is her real name and she is a singer. Her father ‘s name is John Spears had been killed in Iraq. From the story, it describes that she was very rich and kept changing her living hostel with many rooms. She would not study permanently at 1 place . She did not has freedom as well as privacy , everybody taking care of her.
    El Genius is a business manager ,agent and also happen to be married to her mother.
    Fred is her doofus body guard and the other new characters will appear in this story .Polly, her pshychiatrist like a parrot will repeat everything to El Genius while Aileen is the tour’s travel coordinator.
