Thursday, December 12, 2013


週次:Week 14
章節:Chapter 46 to Chapter 48
藥一 B313102029 黃偉倫 Andy
牙一 B202102033 鍾孟芸 Ruby
牙一 B202102034 潘怡臻 Jane
技二 B614101068 陳泳穎 Melody

1 comment:

  1. page line vocabulary translation
    207 5 blast (n.)爆炸;巨響
    6 scurry (v.)匆匆地走
    6 frantically (adv.)瘋狂地
    7 flinch (v.)退縮、畏縮
    -4 drag (v.)深深地吸(菸)
    208 2 grimly (adv.)冷酷地
    -12 delirious (adj.)精神錯亂的
    209 2 etch (v.)銘刻、蝕刻
    5 bundle (v.)紮成一捆
    5 snowsuit (n.)孩童用防雪裝
    6 mitten (n.)連指手套
    13 fleck (n.)斑點,微粒,小片
    14 cheery (adj.)興高采烈的
    210 8 perch (v.)暫時棲息
    -8 overhear (v.)無意中偷聽到
    -4 rigid (adj.)堅硬的
    -3 strenuous (adj.)艱苦的
    211 6 exaggerate (v.)誇大
    6 stark (adj.)荒涼而無生氣的 本句是形容晨光的清冷襯托出Warden的冷酷無情
    7 blotchy (adj.)有疤的
    212 1 tarantula (n.)狼蛛
    -3 raspy (adj.)粗糙的;(聲音)沙啞的
    -2 numb (adj.)麻木的
    213 -14 briefcase (n.)公事包
    -7 Hispanic (adj.)美籍西班牙裔的
    -5 trill (v.)用顫音(說話)
    -4 tarnation (n.)詛咒 本句是一種咒罵時的口語用法,近似What the hell
    214 7 snuck (v.)sneak的過去式,偷偷摸摸地溜進
    11 attorney (n.)(辯護)律師、(根據委任狀)法定代理人
    215 7 custody (n.)監護、拘留
    11 hospitalize (v.)使…住院
    12 hallucination (n.)妄想、幻想
    13 delirium (n.)精神錯亂 前面208頁有它的形容詞delirious
    13 rant (v.)大嚷大叫
    13 rave (v.)咆哮
    216 1 stagger (v.)蹣跚而行
    5 jerk (v.)猛然一動、突然甩開
    218 1 carton (n.)紙盒、利樂包
    14 detainee (n.)被拘留者
    16 hysterical (adj.)歇斯底里的
    17 jurisdiction (n.)管轄權
    219 14 pursuant (adv.)依據、依照
    222 4 cyberspace (n.)網路空間
    -5 incarcerate (v.)監禁

    Ch 46
    Stanly and Zero were stuck in the lizards nest. They couldn’t make a move and kept their body frigid. Mr. pendenski suggested to others that they should just kill these two kids, but Warden didn’t agree. She thought that A.G will initiate a investigation, so she wanted to talk to A.G. that Stanly run away and fell into a lizards’ hole with not talking about Zero. Stanly was light- headed and recalled the memory he roll down a snow-covered hillside with his mother. And Mr. Sir talked Stanly that his layer came to save him free yesterday while Stanly only focused on how to climbing out of the lizards’ holes.
    On the next day, Stanley’s attorney came to take him away, and said that they would file charges not only against Ms. Walker and Camp Green lake but also the entire state of Texas for Child abuse, False imprisonment, and Torture. Warden lied to her that Stanley stole the suitcase from her. Then, Zero said that there is Stanley’s name on the suitcase.
    The Warden wanted Stanley to open the suitcase but Ms. Morengo told him don’t do that. And when she told Stanley she could take him home, Stanley said that he wanted them to save Zero free, too. Unfurtunately, they couldn’t find any files about Zero just like a hole in cyherspace.

    1.Whom is the woman that Mr. Pendanski, Mr. Sir and the warden were discussing to tell to?
    Stanley's lawyer
    Stanley's mother
    The prosecutor

    2.What will Ms. Morengo do if anything bad happens to Stanley?
    (A) Have a fight against the warden
    (B) File charges against the warden and the entire state of Texas
    (C) Call the police

    3.What is on the other side of the suitcase that Zero shows to everybody? (A) The map
    (B) Stanley's name that is recognized by Zero
    (C) A diary of Kate Barlow


    4.What does Squid do before Stanley and Zero leave?
    (A) Give Stanley a big hug
    (B) Give Stanley his mother's phone number and says that he is sorry
    (C) Ask Stanley to take him away from the camp

    5. Why can Zero get free from the camp?
    Because Zero is innocent
    Because Zero's Mr. Sir finally let him go
    (C) Because his record is erased and thus there is no authority over him

