Thursday, October 3, 2013


週次:Week 4
章節:Chapter 9 to Chapter 13
呼一 B117102014 歐書晴 Rita
呼一 B117102006 歐陽大方 Tiffany
呼一 B117102019 林怡絜 Angel
呼一 B117102028 翁佩微 Cathy


  1. Vocabulary
    P.43 line7 evaporate (v) 蒸發
    P.43 line10 rec room (n) 娛樂室
    P.43 line13 pinball (n) 彈鋼珠遊戲
    P.43 line14 worn-out (a) 筋疲力盡的
    P.43 line14 sprawled (a) 四肢伸開的
    P.44 line3 felt (n) 氈製品
    P.44 line7 trip over (v) 絆倒
    P.44 line9 lump (n) (建築行業的)臨時工
    P.44 lin19 mess with (ph) 擺弄,玩弄
    P.44 lin19 caveman (n) 史前時代的穴居人
    P.44 line29 punch (v) 用力按
    P.44 line30 torn (v) tear的過去分詞,撕裂
    P.44 line30 vinyl (n) 乙烯基
    P.44 line30 upholstery (n) 墊襯物
    P.45 line1 radiate (v) 輻射
    P.45 line7 groan (v) 呻吟
    P.46 line3 scowl (v) 皺眉,沉下臉
    P.46 line6 smash (v) 粉碎,打破
    P.48 line2 joint (n) 關節
    P.49 line9 loosen up (ph) 使鬆弛
    P.49 line23 fossilize (v) 變成化石
    P.50 line17 fossil (n) 化石
    P.50 line18 bulge (n) 凸塊
    P.52 line2 slam (v) 猛扔
    P.54 line14 smug (a) 沾沾自喜的
    p.55 line16 plop (v) 掉下
    p.57 line27 howl (v) 大笑
    p.59 line6 track (n) 軌道
    p.60 line5 occasionally (adv) 偶爾
    p.60 line8 glisten (v) 閃耀
    p.60 line15 squint (v) 瞇著眼看
    p.60 line16 scoop (v) 挖出
    p.60 line29 engrave (v) 雕刻
    p.61 line2 etch (v) 蝕刻
    p.62 line15 shotgun shell (n) 獵槍子彈

    Stanely now started to fit in the company and won himself a nickname called “caveman”. X-ray was right the second hole the hardest. While Stanely was digging his second hole, he thought he find something interesting and may have a chance to get a day off. It turns out that a fossil is just a fossil, neither an attention nor a day off. After holes and holes, too many that Stanely couldn’t remember, one day something special cought his eyes. A gold tube, with a design engraved into the flat bottom of the tube. An outline fo a heart, with the letters K B etched inside it. Instead of taking a day off by himself, he took it to X-ray and moved up one place in the group.

    1.What is Stanly’s nickname in the camp ?
    Ans.(C) p.44

    2.Why Stanly can move up one place in line when the water trunk came ?
    A.Because Stanley found fish fossil and showed it to Mr.Pendanski.
    B.Because he gave X-Ray an interesting thing that made X-Ray pleased.
    C.Because he was very thirsty.
    D.Because Stanley couldn’t stand being the last.
    Ans.(B) p.63

    3.What’s the line in the story suppose to symbolize?
    Ans.(B) p.63

    4.What Zero likes to do ?
    A.Dig holes
    B.Train monkeys
    C.Work for the F.B.I
    D.Read novels
    Ans.(A) p.58

    5.What Stanley imagines to keep digging and ease his suffering?
    A.Imagine being praised by Clyde Livingston.
    B.Imagine swimming in the Camp Green Lake.
    C.Imagine digging the most biggest hole ever.
    D.Imagine Derrick Dunn being beaten up by boys from Group D
    Ans.(D) p.54

    1. 這邊的question是錯誤的請看下面那篇

  2. Question

    1.What was Stanely’s nickname in the camp ?
    (A) Superman
    (B) X-Ray
    (C) Caveman

    2.Why can Stanely move up one place in line when the water trunk came ?
    (A) Because Stanley found fish fossil and showed it to Mr.Pendanski.
    (B) Because he gave X-Ray an interesting thing that made X-Ray pleased.
    (C) Because he was very thirsty.

    3.What does the line in the story symbolize?
    (B) Status
    (C) Wisdom

    (B) Status
    (C) Wisdom

    (B) Status
    (C) Wisdom

    4.What did Zero like to do ?
    (A)Dig holes
    (B) Train monkeys
    (C) Read novels

    5.What did Stanley imagine to keep digging and ease his suffering?
    (A) He was praised by Clyde Livingston.
    (B) He swam in the Camp Green Lake.
    (C) Derrick Dunn was beaten up by boys from

    1.(C) p.44
    2.(B) p.63
    3.(B) p.63
    4.(A) p.58
    5.(C) p.54

  3. voc 歐書晴&林怡絜
    summary 翁佩微
    question 歐陽大方
