Saturday, October 12, 2013


週次:Week 5
牙一:B202102068 蔡名揚 Anthony
牙一:B202102075 李威橙 Sam
牙一:B202102030 李宥融 Parker
牙一:B202102080 王宣貿 Albert


  1. vocabulary
    page line English Chinese
    64 10 grumble (vi)抱怨, 發牢騷
    12 snap (vt)厲聲說; 怒氣沖沖地頂撞
    65 1 scrape (vt)刮、擦
    3 stamp (vt)用腳踩踏
    14 haze (n)霾, 薄霧
    15 drift (vi)漂
    22 yard (n)碼( =3英尺)(1英尺 =30.48 厘米)
    66 12 stud (vt)用飾釘裝飾
    13 turquosie (a)藍綠色的
    14 freckle (n)雀斑; 斑點
    67 -6 swish (vt)(使)刷刷[嗖嗖]地移動
    69 2 pitchfork (n)乾草叉
    6 wheelbarrow (n)手推車
    70 -5 excavate (vt)挖掘、 開鑿
    71 13 paranoid (a)顯示出偏執狂症狀的
    73 4 intently (adv)專注地
    4 bust (vt)弄壞
    16 lid (n)蓋子
    74 3 understuff 椅子坐墊填充物不夠
    75 9 evict (vt)逐出
    15 startle (vt)使驚嚇
    22 kind of 有一點
    27 blankly (adv)茫然地
    77 6 were on 繼續進行
    78 4 jab (vt)刺, 戳
    -7 gash (n)深長的切口(或傷口)
    80 -8 jerk (vi)猛然一動
    -8 throb (vi)陣陣作痛
    -5 swollen from swell(a)膨脹的
    -1 calluse (vt)使生繭
    82 5 sore (a)疼痛發炎的

  2. page line English Chinese
    64 /10/ grumble (vi)抱怨, 發牢騷
    64 /12/ snap (vt)厲聲說; 怒氣沖沖地頂撞
    65 /1/ scrape (vt)刮、擦
    65 /3/ stamp (vt)用腳踩踏
    65 /14/ haze (n)霾, 薄霧
    65 /15/ drift (vi)漂
    65 /22/ yard (n)碼( =3英尺)(1英尺 =30.48 厘米)
    66 /12/ stud (vt)用飾釘裝飾
    66 /13/ turquosie (a)藍綠色的
    66 /14/ freckle (n)雀斑; 斑點
    67 /-6/ swish (vt)(使)刷刷[嗖嗖]地移動
    69 /2/ pitchfork (n)乾草叉
    69 /6/ wheelbarrow (n)手推車
    70 /-5/ excavate (vt)挖掘、 開鑿
    71 /13/ paranoid (a)顯示出偏執狂症狀的
    73 /4/ intently (adv)專注地
    73 /4/ bust (vt)弄壞
    73 /16/ lid (n)蓋子
    74 /3/ understuff 椅子坐墊填充物不夠
    75 /9/ evict (vt)逐出
    75 /15/ startle (vt)使驚嚇
    75 /22/ kind of 有一點
    75 /27/ blankly (adv)茫然地
    77 /6/ were on 繼續進行
    78 /4/ jab (vt)刺, 戳
    78 /-7/ gash (n)深長的切口(或傷口)
    80 /-8/ jerk (vi)猛然一動
    80 /-8/ throb (vi)陣陣作痛
    80 /-5/ swollen (a)膨脹的
    80 /-1/ calluse (vt)使生繭
    82 /5/ sore (a)疼痛發炎的

  3. sumarry
    In these chapters, a new role, Warden, appears. She is an impatient woman and others cannot question her authority. She even knows everything in Camp Green Lake because it is said that Warden has small hidden cameras and microphones all around the camp. So, when Stanley asks X-Ray if he has the gold tube. X-Ray pretends he doesn't know. And it is the reason why she knows Stanley is called Caveman.
    The day after Stanley gives the tube toX-Ray, X-Ray pretends to find it when the water truck came to the holes. Thus, he gets a day off. Warden puts two boys on every hole. Stanley also realizes that the Warden has the boys digging in order to find something. He memorized the location of the hole that he found the gold tube.
    Because the boys cannot dig other objects out , Warden grows less patient and orders Mr. Sir to make the boys work faster. She even tells Mr. Pendanski that he is giving the boys too much water. These boys are all exhausted. Eventually, she gives up and the boys begin to dig in another section of the dried up lake.
    During these days, Stanley receives a letter from his mother and he writes a letter to her. Zero still always look these letter over his shoulder. One day, Stanley cannot put up with Zero watching his letters so he tells Zero that he doesn’t like others look over his shoulder. Zero reveals that he doesn't know how to read or write and asks Stanley to teach him. Stanley says that he can't.

  4. Question
    1.Why did X-ray pretend he didn't know what Stanley was talking about the gold tube?
    (A)Warden has small hidden cameras and microphones all around the camp.
    (B)X-ray wanted to keep the gold tube.
    (C)X-ray thought the gold tube was a trash so that he didn’t want to mention it.
    2.Why did Stanley know they won’t dig anything out ?
    (A)He know he has no more luck because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.
    (B)The site where they dug wasn’t where the gold tube was found.
    (C)There were no more things left in the lake.
    3.Why did Zero always look Stanley’s letters over his shoulder ?
    (A)Zero just wanted to bother Stanley.
    (B)Mr. Sir demanded Zero to monitor Stanley.
    (C)Zero wanted Stanley to teach him how to read and write.
    4.Why did the landlord threaten to evict Stanley’s parents?
    (A)Stanley’s parents didn’t pay their rent on time.
    (B)The landlord was crazy.
    (C)The odor from the sneakers.
    5.Where is Stanley’s pretty big gash?
    (A) Below his ear.
    (B)His fingers.
    (C)His chest.
