Tuesday, October 29, 2013


週次:Week 7
章節:Chapter 24 to Chapter 28.
牙1 B202102029 魏慈逸 Charlotte
牙1 B202102031 李佳倩 Lara
牙1 B202102004 黃紫嫣 Angel
藥1 B323102023 周韋儒 Kiwi


  1. 1. Why did Katherine Barlow become a dangerous outlaw known as Kissin' Kate Barlow?
    (A) Because someone killed her lover and almost destroy her normal life.
    (B) Because the drought happening in Green Lake made her become poor.
    (C) Because she got a horrible illness and became crazy.

    2. Why couldn’t Sam kiss Katherine Barlow?
    (A) Because he ate too much onion and had bad odor in his mouth.
    (B) Because he was a black man.
    (C) Because Katherine Barlow turned him down.

    3. when the towns-people went to the doctor for medicine, they would also visit Sam. Why?
    (A) Because Sam sold onions which were claimed essential to a person's health.
    (B) Because Sam had miracle power to get rid of disease.
    (C) Because Sam helped the doctor to make medicine.

    4. What is the similarity between Trout Walker and the Warden?
    (A) Both of them have racial discrimination and enjoy scaring others.
    (B) They like eat spiced peach and sunflower seed.
    (C) Both of them like to get their way and both have a lot of control over their surrounding area.

    5. By finding Kate Barlow's lipstick tube, Stanley has found not only a piece of history, but a piece of his own history. He has effectively linked the present with two separate stories in the past; one is the outlaw Kate Barlow and what is the other?
    (A) The story of Stanley’s no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great- grandfather.
    (B) The story of Stanley’s great-grandfather, the first Stanley Yelnats.
    (C) The story of Stanley’s father.

    Answers:(1)A p.115
    (2)A p.108
    (3)B p.113 line-1

  2. One hundred and ten years ago, Green Lake was a big lake full of water. There was a school teacher Katherine Barlow. She was so pretty that many young men went to her classes. One of the young men was Trout Walker, who was rich but stupid. No one dared to say “no” to Trout, except for Katherine, who declined his invitation to take a ride on his boat.
    Mr. Sir’s face swelled up after being scratched by the Warden. He got furious when a boy mentioned it, pushing his head into the oatmeal pot. After letting him go, Mr. Sir questioned him how he looked, and the boy said “fine” for fear of irritating him again.
    Later, Mr. Sir drove the water truck to the lake. Instead of filling Stanley’s canteen, he poured the water onto the ground in revenge for his swollen face.
    One hundred and ten years ago, there was an onion picker Sam in the town of Green Lake. He claimed that onions and the products made from onions could cure any kind of illness, and that his donkey Mary Lou lived a long life because of eating nothing but raw onions.
    One day, Katherine Barlow complained to Sam that the roof leaked in the schoolhouse. He agreed to help fix it. During the time when Sam worked on the roof, Katherine was surprised to find him interested in poetry, fascinated by him as they got along. Then, she asked Sam to fix other things in the schoolhouse as an excuse to have more time to be with him.
    Finally, nothing in the schoolhouse needed to be fix. Katherine told Sam that her heart was broken. Saying he could fix it, he kissed her. Unfortunately, Hattie Parker saw them, and everyone in Green Lake had heard them kissing by the end of the next day.
    Trout Walker led a mob destroying the schoolhouse, so Katherine ran to the sheriff office to ask for help. Nevertheless, the sheriff was drunk and kept asking her for a kiss. He told her that Sam, a Negro, was against the law to kiss a white woman. He would be hanged as punishment.
    Katherine rushed to Sam and asked him to get away from the town. Sam left his donkey Mary Lou with tears in his eyes. At last, Sam and Mary Lou were all shot. A long drought began in Green Lake from then on.
    Katherine shot the sheriff, applying red lipstick and kissed him. That’s why she became “outlaw Kissin’ Kate Barlow.”
    Though in a difficult situation, Stanley received more water from Mr. Pendanski, which was a great help to him. Since he promised to teach Zero read and write, Zero dug some of the holes for him in return. The others boys were jealous of Stanley, saying something sarcastic to him.
    There was once Mr. Sir , to Stanley’s surprise, filled his canteen. Then he went into the water truck, doing something Stanley could not see. Knowing that Mr. Sir must had added something to his water, Stanley poured all the water onto the ground.
    After teaching Zero all twenty-six letters of the alphabet, Stanley taught him to write his name. Zero finally revealed his real name, Hector Zeroni.

  3. 牙1 B202102029 魏慈逸 Charlotte:Summary

  4. p101 line3 emerald 翡翠 n.
    p101 line-3 bushel 蒲式耳(容量名)
    p101 line-2 clove 丁香 n.
    p101 line-1 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 n.
    p102 line-12 trout 鱒魚 n.
    p102 line-7 afflict 折磨 vt.
    p102 line-4 brag 吹牛 vt.
    p103 line8 ranch 牧場 n.
    p103 line-7 spew 噴出 vt.
    p104 line3 cantaloupe 甜瓜 n.
    p104 line-8 ladle 以杓舀取 vt.
    p105 line-3 grotesque 醜怪的 adj.
    p106 line1 parch 乾燥 adj.
    p106 line8 nozzle 噴嘴 n.
    p107 line-5 shed 棚 n.
    p108 line-14 ointment 軟膏 n.
    p108 line-14 syrup 糖漿 n.
    p108 line-12 asthma 氣喘 n.
    p108 line-11 arthritis 關節炎 n.
    p108 line-4 concoction 混合物 n.
    p109 line-4 Negro 黑人 n.
    p110 line-11 wobble 擺動 vt.
    p111 line3 pitter-patter 批批啪啪聲
    p111 line-3 general store 鄉間雜貨店 n.

    112 8 spin (vi)疾馳、飛馳
    112 -4 bulletin board (n)布告欄
    113 1 pile (v)堆疊
    113 4 sheriff (n)警長
    113 -4 wriggle (v)運用各種方法脫離難關
    113 -3 hanging (n)絞死、死刑
    114 7 make a deal (phr)達成協議
    114 10 jerk (v)突然動作
    114 -2 wade (v)跋涉
    115 -1 outlaw (n)罪犯

    116 2 grunt (vi)發牢騷
    116 3 pry up (phr)撬開
    116 7 sparingly (adv)節儉地
    118 4 puffy (adj)膨脹的
    119 4 unscrew (v)轉開、旋開

    1. 單字放在一起了
      牙1 B202102004 黃紫嫣 Angel
      藥1 B323102023 周韋儒 Kiwi

    2. ㄚ~~打錯
      牙1 B202102031 李佳倩 Laral
      藥1 B323102023 周韋儒 Kiwi
