Sunday, November 17, 2013


週次:Week 10
章節:Chapter 31 to 35
藥一 B313102031 林書弘 Leon
牙體一 B210102026 余承翰 Jonathan
牙體一 B210102022 王唯哲 Evan
藥一 B313102028 江柏儒 Bob


  1. p142 L5 refuge [ˋrɛfjudʒ] n.躲避;避難
    p142 L19 scratch up ph.拼湊;湊集
    p142 L-4 spigot [ˋspɪgət] n.水龍頭
    p144 L2 swollen [ˋswolən] n.浮腫的
    p144 L2 slit [slɪt] n.裂縫
    p144 L-5 cross-references n.互相參照
    p145 L5 vacancy [ˋvekənsɪ] n.空缺
    p145 L7 hot-wire v.發動
    p145 L-3 scratchy [ˋskrætʃɪ] a.潦草的
    p146 L-12 shaft [ʃæft] n.手柄;把手
    p146 L-8 deftly [ˋdɛftlɪ] adv.靈巧地; 熟練地
    p146 L-8 spat out 爽快地說出來
    p147 L5 ignition [ɪgˋnɪʃən] n.點燃;著火;發動裝置
    p147 L9 keep someone dangling v.使某人懸望; 使某人不放心地等待
    p147 L-11 fling [flɪŋ] v.猛烈地開(或關)(門, 窗)
    p147 L-7 revved [rɛv] v.發動機的旋轉
    p148 L1 gear shift ph.換檔桿
    p148 L2 lever 同上
    p148 L4 lurch [lɝtʃ] v.突然傾斜
    p148 L-12 lop-sided [lɑpˋsaɪdɪd] a.傾向一側的
    p148 L-6 glance [glæns] v.(粗略地)看一下, 一瞥

  2. p151 L5 yard (n.) 碼
    p151 L14 burlap (n.) 粗麻布
    p152 L14 mirage (n.) 海市蜃樓
    p152 L15 shimmering (adj.) 發微光的
    p153 L4 haze (n.) 陰霾、薄霧
    p153 L19 ridge (n.) 嶺、脊
    p154 L7 barren (adj.) 荒蕪的
    p154 L7 wasteland (n.) 荒地
    p154 L13 peel (v.) 剝落
    p154 L18 stir (v.) 攪拌、移動
    p154 L23 sleeve (n.) 袖子
    p155 L2 sunken (adj.) 凹陷的
    p155 L3 drooping (adj.) 下垂的
    p155 L4 raspy (adj.) 刺耳的
    p155 L5 flop (v.) 拍動
    p155 L9 sheepishly (adv.) 羞怯地
    p156 L6 squeeze (v.) 擠
    p156 L15 ventilation (n.) 通風
    p156 L17 grunt (v.) 發哼聲
    p156 L18 lid (n.) 蓋子
    p156 L20 strained (adj.) 勉強的
    p157 L14 mushy (adj.) 糊狀的
    p157 L14 nectar (n.) 花蜜、甜美的飲料
    p157 L14 tangy (adj.) 味道強烈的、香氣撲鼻
    p157 L16 parched (adj.) 乾燥的
    p158 L21 groan (v.) 呻吟
    p159 L1 moan (v.) 呻吟

  3. Stanley angrily dug his shovel into the dirt. He was angry at everyone. What he should do, he thought, was go out after Zero. But he didn’t.
    He returned to his tent to find the Warden, Mr.Sir, and Mr. Pendanski all waiting for him. They tried to figure out some clues or details from Stanley to find Zero . Besides, due to Zero is from the street, he has no family, no home, so they want to delete all his record to pretend he’s never exist.
    Two days later a new kid was assigned to Group D. His name was Brian, but X-ray called him Twitch. Twitch was arrested by stolen a car.
    After four days, Stanley is worried about Zero, he wants to save him, maybe he is suffering from ran out of water and struggling now… So, Stanley just done the stupidest thing he had ever done before. He Stole Mr.Sir’s truck!
    Because this is the first time for Stanley to drive a car, after driving a while, the truck fell into a hole… Stanley is lucky, he doesn’t get hurt, all he wants to do is finding Zero as soon as possible.
    After walking in the dessert for awhile, Stanley found an old boat lay upside down, half buried in the dirt. There was a name carved on the boat, “Mary Lou”.
    He also found someone was hiding under the boat. Zero was there!
    After eating a can, and short conversation, they decide to go to the Big Thumb mountain in stead of heading back to the camp.

  4. 1. Why can’t Stanley get to the pool he saw in the desert?
    a. Because there were too many holes around the pool.
    B. Because he didn’t bring his swimming suit.
    C. Because the pool didn’t really exist, it was a mirage.
    Ans. C

    2. What did Stanley stole Mr. Sir’s truck for?
    A. He always wanted to try some drifting with a truck.
    B. He decided to go and save Zero.
    C. He wanted to leave Camp Green Lake and go back home.
    Ans. B

    3. What did Stanley found in the tunnel under Mary Lou?
    A. He found zero’s dead body, half rotten, with sunken eyes and a dropping smile.
    B. He found zero, weak and needed water.
    C. He found a little water, just enough for him to full his canteen.
    Ans. B

    4. Someone was assigned to Group D after Zero left, what was his name and nickname?
    A. Brian, Twitch
    B. Bryant, Kobe
    C. Brian, Titch
    Ans. A

    5. Stanley stole the truck, but why didn’t drive it all the way to his destination?
    A. Because the truck ran out of oil.
    B. Because he found it healthier to walk.
    C. Because he crashed into a hole.
    Ans. C
