Sunday, November 17, 2013


章節:chapter29 to chapter30
組員:藥一 B313102046 李建緯 Willy
藥一 B313102010 張仕盟 Simon
藥一 B313102024 林冠佑 Henry
藥一 B313102039 吳俊穎 John


  1. Where did Kate Barlow feel cold?
    (a)heart . face . hand . Neck
    (b)body . hand . feet . nose
    (c) hand . feet . face . Heart
    Answer: C P.120

    How did Kate Barlow die?
    (a)bitten by the lizard
    (b)got a shoot by Trout
    (c)had nothing to drink or eat
    Answer : A P.123

    Who might be the ancestor of Warden?
    (a) Mr. and Mrs. Barlow
    (b) Mr. and Mrs. Walker
    (c) Mr. and Mrs. Yelnats
    Answer : B P.121

    Who got an extra carton of juice? Why?
    (a)Zero ; He dug more holes than any other boys.
    (b)Armpit ; He told Warden the truth.
    (c)Zigzag ; It’s his birthday.
    Answer : C P.131

    Why did Zero not answer all the questions asked by Warden?
    (a) He just didn’t like to answer question.
    (b)He was the stupidest child in the world.
    (c)He was the dumb.
    Answer : A P.138

    1. P121 line5 blurry (adj)模糊的
      P121 line9 loot (n)戰利品;贓物
      P121 line13 rummage (v)仔細搜索
      P121 line19 blotchy (adj)有疤的
      P121 line20 scraggly (adj)散亂的
      P122 line15 jerk (v)猛然一推
      P122 line21 pajamas (n)睡衣
      P122 line21 Turquoise-studded (adj)藍綠色鉚釘的
      P123 line 18 droplet (n)小滴
      P127 line3 drench (v)使潤濕
      P127 line15 hazy (adj)模糊的
      P128 line5 ark (n)方舟
      P128 line1 delirious (adj)精神錯亂的

  2. After twenty years, Kate Barlow returned to Green Lake.
    Sometimes she could hear Sam’s voice echoing across the emptiness. “Onions! Sweet fresh onions.” And sometimes she would hear him say, “I can fix that,” and she’d feel his warm arm across her shoulders.
    She knew she was crazy. She knew she’d been crazy for the last twenty years.
    She was awakened one morning by someone kicking open the cabin door. She could smell Trout Walker’s dirty feet. A redheaded woman was there with Trout.(Linda Miller)
    Trout jabbed her throat with the rifle. “Where’s the loot?” “There is no loot,” said Kate.
    They made her walk barefoot on the hot ground. They wouldn’t let her stop walking.
    The lizard landed on Kate’s bare ankle. Its sharp black teeth bit into her leg. Kate Barlow died laughing.
    There was a change in the weather. The air became unbearably humid. A loud boom of thunder echoed across the empty lake. A storm was way off to the west, beyond the mountains.
    Usually, Stanley couldn’t see the mountains at this time of the day. The only time they were visible was just at sunup, before the air became hazy.
    Now, however, the sky was very dark off to the west, and every time the lightning flashed, the dark shap of the mountains would briefly appear.
    The horizon lit up with a huge web of lightning. In that split second Stanley thought he saw an unusual rock formation on top of one of the mountain peaks. The peak looked to him exactly like a giant fist, with the thumb sticking straight up.
    “I fonnd refuge on God’s thumb.” That was what his great-grandfather had supposedly said after Kate Barlow had robbed him and left him stranded in the desert.
    Although, instead of lightning flashing behind the thumb, in Stanley’s mind, the lightning was coming out of the thumb, as if it were the thumb of God.
    The next day was Zigzag’s birthday.(July 8) Zigzag lay in his cot as everyone headed outside. Then a little while later he cut into the breakfast line. “Can I have an extra carton of juice?” Zigzag asked Mr. Sir. To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Sir gave it to him.
    Forty-six days. Stanley didn’t dig a hole that first day, and he hadn’t dug one yet today. That meant he’d dug forty-four holes─if it really was July 8.
    X-Ray let Stanley move to the front of the line when Mr. Pendanski arrived with water and lunch.
    Stanley pushed Zigzag’s cookie away. Zigzag pushed him back. “Hit him back. You’re bigger,” said Mr. Pendanski. “Teach the bully a lesson.” Stanley made a feeble attempt to punch Zigzag. Zigzag was hitting him with one of his hand. Then, Stanley saw that Zero had his arm around Zigzag’s long neck.
    The Warden walked over from her cabin. “I don’t want anyone digging anyone else’s hole,” said the Warden. “And no more reading lessons.”
    “I’m not digging another hole,” said Zero. “I hate digging holes.” He slowly backed away, farther and farther out onto the lake.

  3. P131 line 14 deprive v.剝奪
    P132 line 28 pal (口)好友
    P133 line 6 insult v.修辱
    P133 line 14 hesitate v.猶豫
    P134 line 21 snap v.怒氣沖沖的說
    P134 line 27 fool around 遊手好閒;鬼混
    P135 line 7 feeble Adj.無力的
    P135 line 11 ripped vi.裂開
    P135 line 21 gagging sound 作嘔聲
    P135 line 22 pry v.撬開
    P136 line 2 Drawn(pp.) v.被拔出
    P138 line 17 Have it in for 和某人作對過不去
    P139 line 14 crumpled v.倒下;變皺
