Tuesday, November 26, 2013


週次:Week 11
章節:Chapter 36 to Chapter 39
保一 B506102079 廖翎妃 Mary
保一 B506102070 蔡承霖 Jimmy
藥一 B313102018 鄭元媛 Michelle
藥一 B323102029 藍仁涓 Jenny


  1. Summary:
    Zero and Stanley decided to head for God’s thumb. Zero held the shovel and Stanley carried the burlap sack with four empty jars inside in case they might use them. On the way, they mentioned Mary Lou, which they thought is a beautiful woman.

    Zero sometimes had attacks of stomachache. Stanley couldn’t help but think that he might use the shovel to dig a grave. He could only say some words to distract Zero’s attention of the pain.

    They came to the end of the lake. There were huge white stone cliffs before them. They stepped on ledges to climb. At one time it was hard to climb up. Zero suggested Stanley lifted him up to the ledge first and then he used the shovel to pull Stanley up. However, this made Zero’s hands wounded.

    After climbed up the cliffs, they were closed to Big Thumb. The mountain was steep too. Patches of weeds dotted the mountainside. Stanley suddenly realized that there hadn’t been any weeds on the lake, so there might be water around somewhere. Unfortunately, Zero passed out then.

    Stanley left the shovel and sack of jars so that he could carry Zero. When reaching the top of the mountain, Stanley felt desperate because he thought he won’t find water. Although he thought there would be no water on the top of Big Thumb, he still wanted to at least reach the Thumb.

    Stanley didn't make it. he fell down and tumbled into muddy ditch. All of a sudden, he realized that there should be water to make mud. He used his hands to dug a hole and he found water and an onion.

    He woke up and found himself lying in a meadow. Zero was still very sick. Zero admitted that he stole Clyde Livingstone’s shoes from the shelter. As he drifted into sleep, Stanley sang him the song that had been in his family for generations.

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  3. Questions:
    1.What did Zero and Stanley mistake Mary Lou for ?
    (A) a beautiful woman
    (B) a beautiful monkey
    (C) a boat
    Ans : (A) p.161

    2.Who is the true thief stealing the Clyde Livingston's shoes ?
    (A) Stanley
    (B) Zero
    (C) Warden
    Ans : (B) p.175

    3.What did Stanley and Zero rely on when they couldn’t find anything on the way to the God's thumb ?
    (A) hot fudge sundae
    (B) weeds
    (C) onions
    Ans : (C) p.172

    4.How did Stanley infer that there should be water existed on the way to the God's thumb ?
    (A) He thought that there should be water to make mud.
    (B) He thought that the God’s thumb is a magical place that he could find anything he wanted.
    (C) He was delirious.
    Ans : (A) P.171

    5.What scenery we might see before one hundred years on the way to the God’s thumb ?
    (A) There are so many people swimming in a big lake.
    (B) Sam is planting his onions.
    (C) Countless gravestones are erected.
    Ans : (B)
