Tuesday, December 10, 2013


牙體一 B210102036王思婷 Tina
牙體一 B210102014張皓診 Jenny
牙體一 B210102013魏敏如 Miriam
牙體一 B210102021何家瑜 Carrie


  1. p189 line 7 crib (n.)嬰兒床
    p189 line 8 clap (v.)輕拍
    p190 line 4 hint (n.)微量
    p190 line12 sneak (v.)偷偷摸摸地做
    P190 line 14 squeak(v.)嘎吱嘎吱響
    P190 line -10 evict(v.)驅趕
    P190 line -2 inexplicable (a.)無法解釋的
    P191 line 3 dunk(v.)浸泡
    P191 line -9 rip(v.)撕裂
    P192 line 1 Styrofoam(n.)保麗龍
    P192 line 15 frying pan(n.)煎鍋
    P193 line 12 raspy(a.)粗糙的
    P193 line -9 clink(v.)發出叮噹響
    P193 line -8 stubborn(a.)不屈不撓的
    P194 line 7 porch (n.)門廊
    P196 line 2 diagram(n.)圖示
    P196 line -8 make out (ph.)辨別
    P196 line -8 faint (a.)不清楚的
    P196 line -6 indistinct(a.)不清楚的
    P197 line -12 cradle (v.)抱;捧
    P197 line -11 clank (v.)叮噹響
    P197 line -2 adjacent (a.)鄰近的

  2. P198 line 3 creak (v.)吱吱作響
    P199 line 2 stumble (v.)絆倒
    P199 line 9 scoop out (ph.) 舀出
    P199 line 9 toss off (ph.)扔掉
    P199 line 13 exhale (v.)呼喊
    P200 line 3 gag (v.) 堵嘴
    P200 line 6 swig(v.)痛飲
    P200 line 10 pebble (n.)鵝卵石
    P200 line 13 spigot (n.)水龍頭
    P200 line 17 cave-in (n.)坍落
    P200 line -5 bounce off (ph.)反彈
    P200 line -2 clip (v.)消除
    P200 line -2 flake away (ph.)剝落
    P200 line -1pronounced(a.)明顯的
    P201 line 5 texture (n.)質地
    P201 line 11 lengthwise (a)縱長的
    P201 line 19 budge(v.)讓步、挪動
    P201 line -4 jam (v.)卡住、塞住
    P201 line -1 stand down (ph.)彎下腰
    P202 line 3 firmly (adv.)牢牢地
    P202 line 7precarious(a.)危險的
    P202 line 8 latch (n.) 閂
    P202 line 11 pry(v.)撬
    P202 line 16 wedge(n.)楔子
    P204 line 5 draw(v.) 拔出
    P204 line -3 bob(v.)上下移動
    P205 line 11 scramble out (ph.)爬出
    P205 line 12 commotion (n.)騷動
    P205 line 20 illuminate (v.)照亮
    P206 line 9 trail(v.) 變小

  3. Summary-chap43
    Stanley and Zero planned to head back to the hole where Stanley found the
    lipstick container to see if they could dig up treasure buried by Kate Barlow.

    Before setting off, they’ve prepared sufficient onions and water, also made a thorough plan to return to Camp.

    During the process, Zero told Stanley about his mother and childhood bit by bit. Zero remembered his mom singing the same song that Stanley sang before, only with some differences. One day, Zero’s mom asked him to wait for her in a park, but she never returned since then.

    On their way to Camp from the boat ”Mary Lou”, Stanley went the wrong way at first, however, Zero led them to the right direction and successfully reached the camp. They hid themselves in the holes waiting for camp to fall asleep.

    After the camp fell asleep, Stanley started to dig the hole in the dark while Zero sneaked into camp to refill water and stole out a box of frosted flakes, both of them had trouble adjusting to the flavor after eating only onions for over a week.

    They finally dug up a suitcase. Just as Stanley tried to get out of the hole, they found Warden, Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski standing in front of them with flashlight on their hands.

    Not until the flashlight illuminated the hole did Stanley realize he had dug in a yellow-spotted lizard’s nest…

    The Warden, along with Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir, decided to wait for the lizards to leave. Three adults discussed about a woman and the A.G.. While they were waiting, the Warden recalled that how her parents and her dug holes every weekend and holiday…

  4. Question
    1. Why Stanley and Zero didn’t drink water for a long time?
    (A) They had already drank a lot of water.
    (B) Neither of them wanted to be the first one to drink water.
    (C) They became used to desert, just like camels.
                 Answer: (B)
    2. On the way back to Mary Lou, what did Stanley use to find out the right direction?
    (A) A compass
    (B) A map
    (C) The rising and setting sun.
                 Answer: (C)
    3. Which one is true about Zero’s childhood?
    (A) He slept in the tunnel in the playground for more than a month.
    (B) Jaffy was the name of Zero’s father.
    (C) He joined a birthday party which was held in the playground.
                 Answer: (A)
    4. Why did Zero insisted that he go fill the jars?
    (A) He thought that Stanley’s weight would make noise when he walked.
    (B) He wanted to be lazy.
    (C) He wanted to escape.
                 Answer: (A)
    5. Which one is false about the suitcase Zero and Stanley found in the hole?
    (A) It was found in a lizard’s nest.
    (B) They took away the suitcase without anyone noticed.
    (C) It was buried under the hole where Stanley found the gold tube.
                 Answer: (B)
