Tuesday, December 3, 2013


章節:Chapter 40 to Chapter 42
保一 B506102073 Mandy 郭欣蕙
保一 B506102057 Lisa 林瑀慈
保一 B506102098 Ariel 鄭雅文
保一 B506102099 Peggy 陳慧羽


  1. summary

    -Stanley started to wonder about how the onion had come to be there. He thought if there was one wild onion, there could be more so he dug up another plant.
    -Mrs. Tennyson wore nightgown(unlike her normal clothes) and ran down the street to thank Sam and complain about Doc Hawthorn. Hattie Parker teased Gladys' bed clothes but then Gladys told Hattie that her family were all sick because of bad meat, which made Hattie embarrassed since her husband was a butcher. Before returning home, Mrs. Tennyson bought a dozen onions from Sam and some more for Mary Lou.
    -Stanley tried to make the hole deeper to have some water but his efforts seemed to make water dirtier. He decided to find the shovel until Zero open his eyes because he didn't want him to wake up and think he'd been deserted. On his way for shovel, he thought he must have walked right past it but he headed downward in case. Before starting back up, he saw a large indentation in the weeds a little farther down the mountain. He was amazed to find the shovel and the sack of jars(none were broken) side by side lying there.

    Zero told Stanley that he didn't like to be called "a ward of the state" because he didn't like the sound of it. Zero also told Stanley that he liked to sleep outside pretending he was a Cub Scout because he liked the blue uniforms. And his mom was once a Girl Scout and won a prize for selling the most Girl Scout cookies.
    Zero said when he was little, he didn't know what is stealing. He just took what he needed. So that day on display, he couldn't read the sign and took the Clyde Livingston's shoes.(cause he thought it was better to take old shoes than new ones) It's funny that he was wearing the shoes and no one noticed him. He regretted that he didn't keep the smelly shoes or they wouldn't be there.
    Stanley knew that they finally had to return to the Camp Green Lake but Zero mentioned that there must be a hole in the Big Thumb. At night, Stanley felt happy he was sent to the Camp Green Lake and was there with Zero instead of being bullied at school. He thought himself was crazy and he started to think that everything happened was destiny. He popped up a crazy idea of digging the place where the lipstick container with KB was found and live the rest of his life as a fugitive.
    He then woke Zero up.........

  2. question
    1.Why did Mrs. Tennyson think it was Sam rather
    than Dr. Hawthorn that saved Rebecca’s life?
    (A)Because Rebecca’s condition became worse
    after seeing the doctor
    (B)Because Dr.Hawthorn tried to put leeches
    on Rebecca’s stomach to stop her fever
    (C)Because Rebecca didn’t go to the doctor
    (D) Because Rebecca only ate onions instead of
    ANS: (B) –page178 line 13~17

    2.How did Zero feel when he stole Clyde Livingston’s shoes and found everyone was crazy searching for them?
    ANS:(D) –page 184 line 13
    3.Why did Zero stole the shoes?
    (A)He just took what he needed, and he
    thought stealing an old pair of shoes was
    better than stealing a pair of new ones
    (B)He was a fan of Clyde Livingston
    (C)He was fond of the smell of the shoes
    (D)He wanted to be arrested so that he could
    go to Camp Green Lake to dig holes
    ANS:(A)-page 184 line1+8~9

    4.Why did Zero put stones in the hole of water?
    (A)To prove that he was still the best digger
    even stones couldn’t interfere him
    (B)He thought the stones make the hole look
    (C)To separate the water from the mud
    (D)To force the water to come out from the
    ANS:(C)-page185 line2~3
    5.Why did Stanley thought himself being crazy for the second time?
    (A)Because he was thinking to abandon Zero
    (B)Because he thought both of them would
    live as a fugitive till they die and he thought
    them would find preasure owing to the hint
    of KB lipstick container
    (C)Because he camp up with the thought of
    coming back to Camp Green Lake
    (D)Because he thought both of them would die
    ANS:(B)-page188 line5~


  3. vocabulary
    p177 line3 meadow 草地
    p177 line 6 intertwined 纏繞
    p177 line 6 rub out 擦掉
    p177 line -6 cart 手推車
    p177 line -2 nightgown 女睡袍
    p177 line -1 robe 睡袍
    p178 line 1 normally 通常
    p178 line 1 proper 高尚的
    p178 line 6 mule 騾
    p178 line11 deserve 應受
    p178 line 13 quack 庸醫
    p178 line 13 leech 水蛭
    p178 line 14 suck 吸
    p178 line -11 tonic 滋補的
    p178 line -6 snicker 暗笑

  4. p178 line -4 parade 遊行
    p179 line 5 flush 臉紅
    p179 line6 butcher 肉販
    p179 line 11 contritely 懊悔
    p179 line 13 general store 雜貨店
    p179 line 14 excuse 辯解
    p179 line 20 dime 一角硬幣
    p180 line 2 splash 潑;濺出
    p180 line 3 shade 陰涼處
    p180 line 11 deserted 被遺棄的
    p180 line 14 feebly 虛弱無力
    p180 line 18 trail 荒野中踏成的小徑
    p181 line6 back up 後退
    p181 line 7 indentation 凹口
    p181 line11 sack 一袋的量

  5. p181 line 11 jar 罐子
    p181 line-4 doubtful 懷疑的
    p181 line -3 side by side 一起
    p182 line2 peel 剝皮
    p182 line 6 murky 混濁的
    p182 line -6 sploosh 四處飛濺
    p182 line -1 dip 浸泡
    p182 line-1 contaminate 弄髒

  6. p183 line 7 ward 監護
    p183 line 18 cub scout 童子軍
    p185 line-6 sundial 晷
    p186 line 7 rotting 腐爛
    p186 line7 sprouting 發芽
    p186 line 10 shrug 聳
    p186 line -1 delirious 精神錯亂的
    p186 line 15 stink 臭
    p187 line2 petal 花瓣
    p187 line 7 flutter 飄動
    p187 line-12 glitter 閃爍
    p187 line -9 overpass 立交橋
    p188 line4 buzzard food 禿鷹的食物
    p188 line5 fugitive 逃亡者
    p188 line 18 chest 箱子
